Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bring on the New Year!

So far 2010 is shaping up to be a really fun year! January 15th-18th I got to go to New York with my mom! It was just the 2 of us and we had a really nice time! It's been about 10 years since I've been there and I think it's always a fun place to visit. Below is a picture of the Empire State Building. When we went to visit it, it was raining and cloudy so there was no visibility on top. So instead of going up for pictures we stayed down below, looked up, and snapped a picture. You can see how cloudy it was, you can't even see the top of the Building. Something my mom and I always enjoy doing together is visiting museums. Below we are at the Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts standing in front of what they believe to be an early Michelangelo sculpture.
We went to visit Ground Zero and this is the best picture I could snap of it. What they are building in it's place is going to be really pretty. They are leaving in place the foundations of the Twin Towers and building 5 buildings around it. (At least this is the information we were told.)
Below snapping a picture in the MET.
Mom took me to a fantastic Lobster place. Here mom is with her lobster bib on, getting ready to dig in!
Here is our food! It was way too pretty not to snap a photo! I ordered scallops and I shouldn't have! They were good but it was way too much food! I should have just split the lobster with mom because I really enjoyed it! We probably ordered too much because we were starving when we got there!
The next 2 pictures are from a fun girls night out! We went to see Twi-lite at Desert Star Theater in Murray! It was so great! At least I really enjoyed it! 8 of us from my ward went. It was such a fun night, apart from waiting over an hour at Cheesecake Factory just to leave and eat somewhere else because if we stayed we wouldn't have made our show! If you've never been to Desert Star you need to go! I've seen a few things there now and they always have me laughing and laughing. Twi-lite was a spoof and had me laughing all night!
The rest of our fun group.
I just thought this was a photo opp not to be missed! I don't care if you read my blog or not, but this is too funny not to read!!! Bailey has been begging to go outside and use her sidewalk chalk, so a couple of weeks ago it was dry enough for her to do so! She loves to practice her letters and as she was finishing Spencer was outside with her and she said, "Hey dad, come see my f n' b's." Spencer was taken back for a minute when he realized she had written "F B F B F B."
It may have been dry out that day but it was still chilly! Bay's poor hands were so red and cold, but she didn't seem to mind!
One of the few things SWBy eats is Peanut Butter! The kid loves it and I'm glad he does because we're able to get some fat, protein, and calories in him that way! This is dinner one night after enjoying some peanut butter! He had peanut butter every where!
This cute wooden rocking horse was mine when I was little and SWBy loves it! He gets on and and says nothing but "weeee."


The Armijo Family said...

The kids are both so cute and her chalk writting skills are too funny!

Deb said...

Boy that is a good start to a new year. I would give just about anything to go on a trip to N.Y. without any kids in tow.

Smith was sitting next to me while I was reading your blog and he said,

Smith "Is this like a super cool family or something?"

Me- "Your Dad sure thinks so." (I do to by the way)

Smith "That must be why they have such cool music on their blog."

Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

Good for you ordering scallops - I enjoy them toO! Looks like a way fun trip with your mom. I went to NYC in 1987 for a choir trip, went to the top of World Trade Center...

MelRol said...

I love those f n b's! I love that you put it in your blog!

I look awful in that photo, but we sure had good times!