Sunday, May 17, 2009

Grand Canyon

Well, I loaded this post wrong! I always forget that I have to load the pictures first and then type if I want our pictures to come after our writing! So our explanation is after all of the pictures! A scenic point during our day hike at Hermits Rest-South Rim. We are hiking down to Dripping Springs.
Spencer and I and the friends that we went with. I'm not sure they were thrilled about the pose I chose for the picture! Oh well, look how fun and cute the picture is!
This is Dripping Springs and it is just that! A drip! This is the day hike we did on Saturday at the South Rim. It was a beautiful hike! We sure enjoyed it. When we reached the Dripping Spring we met some people down there who were pretty nice. Very welcoming and generous!
SWBy and Bay with Grandpa and Grandma Crabtree! We sure missed the kids and we were all excited to see each other after our trip. SWBy was especially excited to see Spencer! He kept snuggling up to him and couldn't wait for me to hand him off to Spencer!
May 7-12, Spencer and I and some of our friends took a trip to the Grand Canyon. We originally planned to hike Havasupai for 2 nights and then spend 2 nights at the South Rim. Well, a week before we left, Spencer got an e-mail saying Havasupai was closed due to the Swine Flu and wouldn't be opening until June. LAME! That really messed our plans up! We were able to reschedule our non-refundable hotel stay at the South Rim to the first 2 nights in hopes to get a back country permit to backpack down into the South Rim for the last 2 nights. Of course no permits were available for any of the campgrounds and the hotels were booked and really expensive per night, so we went back to Las Vegas for the last 2 nights. Vegas really was our only other option because that's where we were picking SWBy and Bay up and that's where our friends were flying out of to go back to SLC. I'm not sure anyone but me was real thrilled about going back to Las Vegas. I always have a good time there, probably because I'm oblivious to some things that really go on there. However, I think I was more aware this time because everyone kept drawing my attention to what a dirty place Las Vegas is. I still had fun, not that I'd want to spend more than a couple of days there though! I enjoy the food and shopping and I like walking through and seeing the different hotels. And they have In-n-Out Burger there, and it doesn't get any better than In-n-Out! Spencer and I took advantage of not having Bay and SWBy with us and went to see Star Trek and Wolverine. I really enjoyed both, but Spencer was expecting more from Wolverine. When Spencer and I checked into the Luxor they upgraded our room because they didn't have record of our reservation. That was kind of cool. Our room was a little bigger and the bathroom was pretty nice. It's all about the bathroom and bathtub!

My dad and step mom (or as Bay says my "step mother") watched the kids for us. They met us in Vegas to pick up the kids and then met us in Vegas to drop them off. Wasn't that so great of them?! It was so nice that they drove the 5 hours from CA so I didn't have to drive the entire way to them. Thank you Dad and Jo! Bay and SWBy had such a fun time. They got to go to the river, swim, grandma Jo got Bay a tea set so they had tea parties (which she just loved), and SWBy got a little car which he would play on all day if we let him! SWBy LOVES cars!